When I started my military life in 1983, I was so incredibly proud to serve my country. Enlisting in the US Air Force at 19 years old was scary – boot camp is not for the faint of heart. It was much like you typically see it portrayed on TV and in the movies. The discipline, structure, respect and responsibility are all qualities that have been sewn into my personal life from that time forward. I still fold my t-shirts and underwear the same way I was taught all those years ago.
I served 2 years as an active duty airman in the US Air Force, then 4 years with the US Air Force Reserves, finally honorably discharged in 1989 as a Staff Sargent.
The discipline I was taught in basic training still runs through my veins to this day. Basic training reveille at 4:30am back then allows me to now start my day early and organized. My early start allows me to take care of my own pets and then my personal needs (and you can bet I make my bed every day with the tightest 45 degree corners anyone has ever seen) before heading out the door to complete the day’s mission; taking care of numerous cats and dogs all over NE San Antonio.
Military structure seeps into a new recruit within the first couple of days of basic training. Everything is done in order and on time. The importance of structure allows one to organize tasks so that all are completed in an orderly fashion. Today, structure is weaved into my daily scheduling of client pets who need regular care. Most often, timing is important to their care, like when a dog needs to potty first thing in the morning or a cat needs an injection exactly at feeding time. Each day is organized by time, location and distance so that everyone’s needs are met. To understand my brain, I like to tell people I think in alphabetical order.
On day 1 of basic training, recruits are taught to address others with “Sir” or “Ma’am” as a sign of respect. I not only speak to clients in a respectful manner, but to my peers, friends, family and the clerk at the checkout stand at the convenience store. As a pet sitter, I respect the living space of my clients’ homes and property. I respect instructions given to me about their pet’s care. I respect my client’s privacy with high moral integrity.
Responsibility and attention-to-detail is my strongest trait. When a pet sitter is scheduled to care for a pet, it’s extremely imperative that she arrive when she says she will. It comforts the family who is away from their purrbabies to know their pets’ routines are being followed, thereby alleviating any stress. My military background of responsibility and accountability learned early in my career helps me give pets the highest quality of care, just as if they were my own.
Military life is encompassed in courage – to fight a war, protect human rights, to help your fellow man, woman, child and animal – no matter the sacrifice. In the pet sitter’s world, courage is rendered when an urgent crisis arises and quick action is necessary. There are times when pets are in medical need and although I may feel badly for the circumstance, I muster the courage to help in quick actions and clear thinking. Courage is used to help an animal stranded or lost, even if it puts a blip on my schedule for the day. Courage is keeping fear loosely in my back pocket when an aggressive pet bears his teeth, but still needs to have daily meds. It takes courage to know what to do when a client’s home has a broken water heater and take action.
Down time, when it exists, is not spent idle. After all my business tasks are accomplished, I spend time with my two dogs and three cats which is incredibly rejuvenating, the blood in my veins that keeps me going.
Enlisting in the United States Air Force at the beginning of my adult life made me a better human being and I never regretted my decision. Skills I learned in the military 30+ years ago transfer into my everyday living and always will. My character and military background is my biggest selling point for my pet sitting services.
Waggs & Purrs Pet Sitting is an exclusive in-home pet care service in the NE San Antonio, Texas area. As the sole proprietor and top dog of my own business, I urge you to contact me for expert care of your pets in their own home. Your highest expectations will be met.
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson