Non-cat people do not have the luxury of waking to the sound of purrs and the tickle of whiskers on one’s face. My cat, Sophie, has the innate ability to know exactly what time I should wake up each morning. She will begin pawing at me, walking on me, pulling on my PJs & blanket, even nibbling on my fingers until I begin to stir. She has even resorted to tapping my face with her paw for an added bonus. Although diligent in her assignment, what works more effectively than all her other tactics is the full weight of her standing on my chest. That, most assuredly, wakes me up!
This little “nudge,” as I like to call her, apparently is so ravenous in the morning that she is only minutes away from taking a bite out of any exposed area of my skin. So, I must wake to feed her and her sister Josie, who, by the way, only watches Sophie complete her morning mission. Josie has always been known as the “good cat.”
I wake, my feet finally hitting the floor as the nudge drags me to the kitchen to open her can of food and serve. She gobbles it up like it’s been weeks since her last meal. In human time, it was only 7 hours ago.
For cat people this process is nothing new…we all must endure this morning ritual. It’s something we live with and are used to. Kidding aside, I would never trade my nudge for an alarm clock. She’s a sweetheart who delights in watching the sunrise out the window to know it’s morning, time for the bugle-call of reveille.
Minutes after eating her lovingly prepared meal, Sophie is in her bed, eyes squinting against a small sun beam, ready for a nap.
This cute Simon video says it all…
Sophie has you well trained, girlfriend!! We’re on the flip side here … Boogie has to wait until we’re up (on our own) to feed him (never mind he always has dry food available). That doesn’t, however, preclude the little marble brain from yowling in the bedroom from time to time.
YES, amazing how my feline fuzzy-whiskers child has trained me! She knows exactly what she’s doing.
Well said! Can’t wait to I join the cat fanciers club again!
They will be a couple of very lucky kitties!