Outdoor Kitty Shelter

So many of my friends and clients care for outdoor, stray cats. They lovingly provide food and water for those left to fend for themselves in the lonely streets of our cities. Cats are creatures of habit and return to an area where they know they’ll be cared for. Feeding and providing water provides the…
Foxy Roxie
There are so many stray cats in our world. It’s very sad…they live outdoors scouring the trash bins for food, finding a dense shrub to sleep or hide and never knowing love. In early February, a young kitten showed up on my patio, wailing. It’s hard to know what her cries were trying to tell…
Meow~Meow Morning Meow
Non-cat people do not have the luxury of waking to the sound of purrs and the tickle of whiskers on one’s face. My cat, Sophie, has the innate ability to know exactly what time I should wake up each morning. She will begin pawing at me, walking on me, pulling on my PJs & blanket,…
Angels with Whiskers
Cats sleep with angelic halos that magically disappear when awakened.